Period of activity: SEPT. 2002-SEPT. 2003
Report established by: PROF. DR. O. FERRER-ROCA
Function / Title: PROF. IN PATHOLOGY
To be sent by electronic mail to:
or to UNESCO, Division of Higher Education
7, place Fontenoy – 75352 Paris 07 SP
Fax: 33 1 45 68 56 26/27/28
I. Address (if modified) Page 2
II. Available resources 2
1. Human resources
2. Material resources
III. Activities 3
1. Education/Training/Research
2. Conferences/Meetings
3. Missions/Travels abroad
4. Visiting Professors/Fellowships
5. Information and documentation activities
6. Others
IV. Impact 3
V. Forthcoming activities 3
VI. Development Prospects 3
Annex 1: Target groups
Annex 2: Geographical coverage
Annex 3: Funding sources
Annex 4: Outputs: Form 1. Publication
Annex 5: Outputs: Form 2. Multimedia material
I. Address (if modified)
Address of the Host Institution Address of theChairholder (or coordinator)
CodeCity ProvinceCountryPhone FaxE-mailWeb Site Prof. Dr. O. Ferrer-RocaUNESCO
Chair of Telemedicine.National coordinatorChair of PathologyUniversity of La
LagunaFaculty of MedicineLa LagunaLa Cuesta38071Santa Cruz de TenerifeCanary
IslandsSpain+34 922-319321+34 922-641855catai@teide.net
Prof. Dr. O. Ferrer-RocaUNESCO Chair of Telemedicine.National coordinatorChair
of PathologyUniversity of La LagunaFaculty of MedicineLa LagunaLa Cuesta38071Santa
Cruz de TenerifeCanary IslandsSpain+34 922-319321+34 922-641855catai@teide.net
II. Available resources
Please specify for each item, when available, total cost and funding sources
(for guidelines see Annex 3)
1. Human resources
1. For the administration of the UNESCO Chair or Network
Lawyer Margarita Suárez Delgado
Partial time support Secretary Soledad Prego Viera
Partial time support Secretary Fleur Bonnetin
Partial time support Secretary Rosa Blanco Sosa
Partial time support Luz Marina Lo Cascio García
Secretary María José González Cobo
2. For the teaching/training/research activities
Please specify number of full professors , researchers, visiting professors,
lecturers, others
Prof. Dr. O. .Ferrer-Roca
Physics Alberto Figueredo Muñoz
Computer Science Jesús Gomez Negrín
Computer Science Pablo Pulido Lorenzo
Electrical Engeneering James Collings
Computer Science Gustavo Vivancos Pérez
Electronic Engeeniering Álvaro Cárdenas Maldonado
Bio-engenieering Pedro Escobar
Computer Analyst César Marcano González
Telecommunication Engenieering Cristo Benjamín Pérez Carballo
Systems Engineer Karin Franco Burbano
3. For the information and documentation activities
one person
4. For other activities: The international courses brought to teaching and training
a total of 55 professors coming from European, African and Ibero-American countries
(Italy, Greece, France, Austria, Denmark, Germany, France, USA, Spain, Uganda,
United Kingdom, Belgium, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba)
2. Material resources
1. For the administrative work: Computers, fax machines, xerocopy machines,
printer, storage systems.
2. For the teaching/training/research activities: Videoconference, workstations,
ultrasounds, video-edition, projector, Book edition, CD-edition, Proceedings
editions, e-learning (KOD)
3. For the information and documentation activities: Web site, Posters, brochures,
Proceedings, Book editions, CD-edition
4. For other activities (Please specify): Videoconferencing, 3D-virtual reality,
Distant control.
III. Activities
Please, provide information on items 1 to 7 for each activity, when available,
and specify:
- Target groups, in accordance with Annex 1
- Geographical coverage, in accordance with Annex 2
- Funding sources, in accordance with Annex 3.
1. Education/Training/Research
· Title and expected results for each course, workshop,…
See joined memorandum and programs of the Summer and Winter Course of the CATAI
· Duration: 1week, 2weeks, 1-3 days.
· Target groups: doctors, nurses, health-care providers, NGOs
· Partnership (please specify the name of the Institution, city, country):
Universities Regensburg, Udine, Innsbruck, Strasbourg, Coimbra, Makerere, Paris,
Entre-Rios, Zulia, Thessaloniki, Athens Univ. of Economics and Business, Missouri-USA,
Howard-USA, Yale-USA, St Louis-USA, Genova-Italy, La Laguna.
· Geographical coverage for partners and participants: Europe-Africa-South
· Funding sources: Retevision Foundations. Leonardo da Vinci-EC Projects.
CATAI founding. Telefónica foundation.
· Outputs: Please specify number of doctoral students: 150-200 students
per year . For the publications, complete form of Annex 4, and Annex 5 for the
multimedia material.
2. Conferences/Congresses/Meetings
· Title and expected results for each conference, meeting…: Always
Telemedicine application and environments. Expected increase of knowledge and
training of how to handle medicine at distance for people and areas underserved
or with, health care constrains availability.
· Dates and place: Regensburg (22-24 Sept 02), Munich (21-26 Sep 02),
Regensburg (21-27 Sept 02), Brussels (15-17 Oct 02), Thessalonoki (14-19 Oct
02), Salamanca (22-24 Oct 02), Paris (12-15 Nov 02), Badajoz (18-20 Nov 02),
Brussels (10-11 Dec 02), Sheffield (12-14 Jan 03), Athens (26-28 May 03), Thessaloniki
(4-6 June 03), Sevilla (13-16 May 03), Cáceres (3-6 June 03).
· Partnership (please specify: Name of the Institution, City, Country):
see joined programs plus Mulago Hospital-Uganda; CHS consortium, KOD-consortium;
Asclepios consortium, USB Consortium
· Participants (number): 100 up to 1000 depending of the type of meeting
· Geographical coverage for participants and partners: Europe-Africa-South
· Funding sources: Retevision Foundation, Leonardo-EC projects, CATAI
fundings. Telefonica foundation.
· Outputs: Please complete Annex 1 for the publications and Annex 2 for
the multimedia material.
3. Missions / Travels abroad
Destination: USA - Missouri Univ.; Howard Univ.; Yale Univ.
Purpose: Students training in telemedicine
Duration: from 2 to 3 months
Funding source: Retevision Foundation. EC-USA exchange
Outputs: training of students to provide telemedicine in underserved areas.
4. Visiting professors / Fellowships
Number: (10)
Duration: 1-2 month
University of origin: U. Zulia-Venezuela (3), U. Entre-Ríos (2), U. Makerere
(3), University of La Habana-Cuba (1).
Funding sources: Retevision Foundation. EC-US Project funding.
5. Information and documentation activities
European Telemedicine Glossary, 4th Edition Editor: Luciano Beolchi: Information
Society Directorate-General – Directorate B, Unit B1 – Applications
Relating to Health; European Commission, 2002
6. Others
Written agreements with Universities
6.1 Written agreement with the Universities of Makerere-Uganda,
Regensburg-Germany and La Laguna-Spain through the Unesco Chair of Telemedicine
in order to provide trained medical students or already graduate people to train
in Telemedicine in the University of Makerere-Uganda. (not yet signed)
6.2 Written agreement with the University of Missouri-Colombia for the medical
and computer science student interchange. April 2002.
Training Books donations
6.1 3Donations of the English version of the Handbook of Telemedicine
to the Universities of Entre-Rios (2), Makerere (3), Cuba (1), Missouri (5).
6.3 Donation 300 books of the Spanish version of the Textbook of Telemedicine
entitle Telemedicine to the Ibero-American Universities ( Entre-Rios-Argentina;
Zulia-Venezuela). Costs assumed by the Chair.
Computer donations
Delivery of 9 computers working properly, Pentium III with Windows 98 to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Makerere- Uganda. Costs assumed by the CATAI.
IV. Impact
Please describe shortly (one page maximum) the impact of the
mentioned activities on the human, social, economical and cultural development
at national, regional or international level.
The relevance of the telemedicine in areas underserved or to people with limited
access of difficulties do not require further comments.
One of the principle obstacles in the wide use of Telemedicine is the lack of
specific training and qualifications in the health care environment (doctors,
nurses, paramedics, managers, NGOs) as well as related areas from which they
require support (computer science, telecommunications)
The Unesco chair of Telemedicine is at the present moment an International forum
where under-developing countries together with developed countries can exchange
knowledge, support and information to implement locally adapted solutions for
the underserved areas.
The previous 15 years work carried out in the host institution (Univ..La Laguna)
facilitate the proposals acceptance and credibility. Furthermore their location
in an archipelago territory, which is the bridge between Europe-America and
Africa, also facilitate his tasks.
The International projects most of them with developing countries increase the
awareness on the underserved areas of the designed solutions and particularly
on the effort to increase the knowledge require to practice telemedicine at
distance. Furthermore the Chair acts as a bridge to establish medical support
with develop countries. Specifically this year the University of Regensbourg
offered to the University of Makere young doctor trained in telemedicine to
support the local doctors.
V. Forthcoming activities
1. XII WINTER COURSE OF THE CATAI - March 2004 – Tenerife
2. X SUMMER COURSE OF THE CATAI 17-19 September 2003 - Regensburg
3. XI SUMMER COURSE OF THE CATAI- September 2003 - Udine
VI. Development prospects
The activities of the Chair were settle during 1999, developed throughout 2000-2003 and we are now in the period of expansion. The expansion include:
1. - Expansion in the Mediterranean Countries, particularly
in the North of Africa , as well as Israel. An Eumedis project will be presented
in 2003.
2. - Expansion in other Ibero-American countries, particularly to Cuba.
3. - Direct cooperation with the ITU (International Telecommunications Union-
DBT) for developing countries. Agreement already approved in ITU for funding
for training Telemedicine in developing countries did not get finally sufficient
funding, nevertheless the chair is included in the Telemedicine study group
of the ITU-DBT and through it the international relationship had been expanded
to India, Kazakhstan, Russia, Bulgaria and Rumania.
4. - Approach with the WHO (World health organization) to help the NGOs with
Telemedicine devices, is still pending. Nevertheless there is an initiative
to introduce Telemedicine in the disaster area international norms.
Annex 1
Target groups
Undergraduate students YES
Graduate students YES
Postgraduate students YES
Academics YES
Public administrators YES
Employees from industry, or other private organizations (please, specify) YES:
Teachers from primary education NO
Teachers from secondary education NO
Teachers from technical and vocational education YES
Teachers from adult education YES
Others groups (Please specify) YES: VOLUNTIERS
Annex 2
Geographical Coverage
· National
Spain: Canary Islands (7 Islands)
· Regional
Please specify countries and regions
· Africa: Nairobi-Kenya, Makere-Uganda,
· Arab States
· Asia/ Pacific: Kazakhstan, Tel-Aviv-Israel, New Delhi-India
· Eastern and Central Europe: Sofia-Bulgaria, Rumania
· Western Europe and North America: Germany-Regensburg, Italy-Udine,
Greece-Athens and Aegean islands, Austria-Tyrol, France-Strasbourg, Lachen-Switzerland.
· Latin-America: Argentina-Entre_Rios, Venezuela-Maracaibo, Panamá,
Cuba-La Habana, México.
· Interregional
Please specify regions
Annex 3
Funding sources
Funding source Type ofOrganization / Institution Period AmountUS$
UNESCO Contribution 2002/03 ……
Other contributions:Please specify, for each contribution:Institution, City,
Country§ Host Institution Partner university/ institutionGovernmental body
Other public institutionPlease specify UN Agencies IGOs NGOs: CATAIIndustry
Other private sourcesRetevisión FoundationTelefónica-Spain 2002/032002/032002/032002/032002/03
TOTAL 2002/03 ………
Annex 4
Form 1: Publication
Title of activity:___________________________________________________
Title: Proceedings from X Summer Course of CATAI
Publisher(s): CATAI- Catedra de Anatomia Patologica. Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de La Laguna
Year: 2002
Number of pages: ....
Type of document/material:
· Book
· Periodical
· Others (specify, please) X Proceedings
Teaching/learning material X
Language(s): English, Spanish
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicine, Information Society, Health Care
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
The X Summer Course pretends to introduce and divulge the new technologies of
the information technologies for citizen health care and domiciliary cares that
will improve health care with the application of Telehealth and Telemedicine
Due to the progressive ageing of the population, the “health care at home”
industry must adapt it self to this new necessities and to orient its products
to a cronical patients.
In this enviroment, the improvement of the citizen services requires an ELECTRONICAL
CLINIC HISTORY, authentification cards, inteligent signature and a standarized
system of acces control in sanitary enviroment.
Technology application is fundamental to asure the medical data telemetric collecting
to the cronical pacients.
At last, we have to remark the last technologies of data ecryption applied to
the medical prescriptions, that in case of a future application, it would avoid
a lot of problems for the patients that they already have to get prescriptions
that requires a visa.
More over and due to the increment of the general interest in the improve of
Telemedicine applications, it is necessary tha knowledge of the european movements
for the etical and info-etical codes as a previus step before any legal regulation.
Title: A four-year study of Telephone support for oncology patiens using a non-supervised call centre.
Publisher(s): Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2002; 8: 331-336
Year: 2002
Number of pages: 6
Type of document/material:
· Book
· Periodical X
· Others (specify, please)
Teaching/learning material
Language(s): English
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicine, thelephome support, homecare, telehealth.
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
A non-supervised call centre was used to allow oncology patients to contact
their personal doctors 24 hrs a day. Incoming patients calls to the centre were
automatically routed to the doctor´s mobile phone or office telephone.
Over four years, an average of 407 calls were made each year, by an average
of 274 oncology patients. The average number of emergency hospital visits was
24 per year (0.09 per patient), compared with 42 per year )0.16 per patient)
per year during the study, in comparison with 722 (2.8 per patient) before it
began. The average number of non-emergency hospital admissions was 41 (0.15
per patient) per year in comparison with 42 (0.17 per patient) before the study.
Calls were short (typically 3-5 min.) and the majority (88%) were made on the
patient´s iniciative. Outreach patients in receipt of chemotherapy were
the principal users (making 88% of all calls). Exluding the inicial investment
cost, the income received was approximately the same as the running costs of
the call centre in two of the three years for which data were avaible.
Title of activity:___________________________________________________
Author(S) Ferrer-Roca O., R. Diaz-León, F.J. de Latorre, M. Súarez, L. Di Persia, M. Cordo.
Publisher(s) : Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2002; 8: 1-4
Year : 2002
Number of pages : 8
Type of document/material:
· Book
· Periodical X Scientific Article
· Others (specify, please) _____________________
Teaching/learning material X
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicine
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
Medical support in the Air is becoming relevant. It started with the law advising
to carry on board Medical Decision Support Systems, such as Automatic External
Defibrillators, and now a day is linked to the increase awareness of the so-called
Economy Class Syndrome and the progressive aging of population. Technology and
telecommunication advances allow improving medical support on board by means
of telemedicine and telemetry devices . As a result of the better patient care
and the coordination with a medical ground station, lives could be saved not
only in the aircraft by particulary during patient transfer to the nearest hospital.
The present paper brings awareness of the importance of medical support for
safety long or transoceanic flights, listing the present situation as well as
improvements based on telemedicine. Particulary, regarding technical solutions
compatible with existing aircraft technology and specific aero-spatial environment.
Title of activity:___________________________________________________
Title: Continuos Distance Learning in Medicine
Publisher(s): European Journal of Medical Research
Year: 2002
Number of pages: ....
Type of document/material:
· Book
· Periodical X
· Others (specify, please)
Teaching/learning material X
Language(s): English
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicine, Information Society, e-Learning
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
In the enviroment of Distance Learning there are very few authoring tools that
are simple and easy to use. This represents a great inconvenience for the generators
of knowledge.
The project KOD (Knowledge On Demand) IST 1999 12503, intents to providea platform
for distance learning possessing simple and user-friendly authoring tools and
an adaptive enviroment for the student, in accordance with the preferences and
profile of each user.
The system provides powerfull authoring tools complying with the current e-learning
standars (IEEE LOM ADL SCORM IMSGUID IMSQTI) amplifying to new functions permitting
the user to re-use and personalise the content. Finally the finished products
is compressed and packed to XML and can be interpreted by many diferent platforms.
Title of activity:___________________________________________________
Title: KOD (Knowledge on demand) y el problema de la formación continuada
en telemedicina.
Publisher(s): SEIS (INFORMED 2002)
Year: 2002
Number of pages: ....
Type of document/material:
· Book
· Periodical
· Others (specify, please) X Scientific Article
Teaching/learning material
Language(s): Español
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicina, Enseñanza remota, tecnologías de la información.
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
Debido a su naturaleza multidisciplinar la enseñanza de la telemedicina
nunca ha sido unproblema trivial; ello es debido, por un lado a la gran diversidad
y complejidad de los sistemas y especialidades existentes, y a su vez, por las
diferentes procedencias de los posibles estudiantes de telemedicina (medicina,
informática, económicas). Dado que lo que se pretende es formar
a profesionales, el problema es aún más complejo, debido a la
dificultad de organizar cursos personalizados para cada rol(médico, técnico,
Por otro lado, Internet se presenta como una fuente de información indispensable
hoy por hoy, a la vez que comienzan a extenderse los sistemas distribuidos de
enseñanza electrónica, haciendo incapié en la calidad y
veracida de los contenidos; en este sentido el proyecto KOD- “Knowledge
On Demand” IST 1999-12503 pretende crear una plataforma que observe todos
estos factores, permitiendo a los estudiantes de telemedicina una enseñanza
personalizada adaptada a sus necesidades.
Title of activity:___________________________________________________
Title: Web supported education and teaching; long life learning in Telemedicine.
KOD Project.
Publisher(s): Mednet 2002
Year: 2002
Number of pages: ....
Type of document/material:
· Book
· Periodical
· Others (specify, please) X Scientific Article
Teaching/learning material
Language(s): English
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicine, Information Society, e-Learning
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
As a consequence of the multi-disciplinary nature of the Telemedicine it is
difficult to find contents and suitable material to fit the trainees objectives.
Furthemore the role of Internet on Medicine and Telemedicine teaching is going
to be decisive in the XXI century. On this context the KOD project (Knowledge
On Demand IST 1999-12503), try to provide a suitable enviroment capable to use
Internet for an efficient long life learning. The main achievements include
innovative tools, adaptative enviroment, efficient information update and selection
of items according to user demands. Using this technology the CATAI is developing
a Telemedicine trainig demostrator, able to deliver adaptative contents to the
different learner categories.
Annex 5
Form 2: Multimedia material
Title of activity:___________________________________________________
Title: CATAI Telemedicine-CD
Producer and/or distributor (with address): CATAI- Catedra de
Anatomia Patologica. Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de La Laguna
Year: 1999-2003
Teaching/learning material X
Type of material:
· Video
· CD ROM X with videos
· Visioconference:
· Other type of material
(Please specify):_________________________
Duration: 643 MB
Format: Word, Html, /ppt, /mpeg
Language(s): English- Italian-Spanish
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicine
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
According to one of the numerous definitions of Telemedicine “providing
medicine at a distance“, any doctor being trained in the use of some telematic
devices could effort that practice. The reality is far from this because to
assure a safe practice, people have to learn and bear a minimum understanding
of a wide range of topics: from economics to telecommunications and from medicine
to legal aspects. Technology learning is not limited to technology itself but
linked to its social practical consequences in all their aspects. To guarantee
that none of the aspects related with Telemedicine are missed, this minimum
knowledge has to be fixed, organised and in some way standardized. The main
purpose of this book is to structure the basic knowledge linked to teaching
to provide or to practise telemedicine, as well as an overview of the technology
developments linked to this new discipline. As expressed in the title (Handbook
of Telemedicine), the book is precisely structured as a “handbook”
whose main value is the joint opinion of all the participating authors of what
are the learning requirements for anyone that would like to practice Telemedicine.
It is not a full treatise nor a complete collection of all telemedicine applications
or telemedicine basics. It was built with the aim of creating awareness to the
academic aspects (technology development, telecommunications approach, law and
regulations, medical practice) as well as to the minimum knowledge requirements
to guarantee safe and appropiate medical practice. Nowadays this fact is enhanced
by the evidence that welfare expenses cannot be endlessly increased, whilst
an efficient health provision system in the context of the information society,
will mark a new trend to configure health care practice in the next century.
If training and teaching schemes are to cope with the demands of society it
seems obvious that those carers and professions should consider structured and
sufficient training in Telemedicine.
The present CD-ROM contains the Handbook of Telemedicine as a whole, internally
structured in 12 Chapters and 13 Annexes (file HANDBOOK.DOC). Some of them are
complemented with diverse multimedia material for training and teaching purposes.
The handbook is presented in Word and Html formats (directory /html), while
the multimedia material is located in the directories /ppt and /mpeg. The former
are PowerPoint 97 presentations and the latter are video-clips on Mpeg format.
Title of activity:___________________________________________________
Producer and/or distributor (with address): CATAI- Catedra de Anatomia Patologica. Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de La Laguna
Year: 1997-2002
Teaching/learning material X
Type of material:
· Video
· Visioconference:
· Other type of material X
(Please specify):_________________________ Web page
Format: Html
Language(s): English- Spanish
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicine
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
La web del CATAI tiene como objetivo principal la divulgación de la Telemedicina
en España. La actividad científica y humanitaria de la Asociación
sin ánimo de lucro CATAI (Centro y de Tecnología Avanzada y Análisis
de Imagen), está relacionada con:
Análisis de Imagen
Estadística de la Imagen
Transmisión a Distancia de Imágenes de Alta Resolución
Dispositivos Multimedia
Y finalmente, Aplicaciones de la Telemedicina en el Mundo Real entre otras actividades.
La web del CATAI ofrece una amplia información sobre bibliografía en Telemedicina, Cursos de Tecnología Avanzados relacionados con Telemedicina, Proyectos de Actividades Internacionales relacionados con la Telemecicina, cursos de enseñanza a distancia así como algunos enlaces interesantes de Telemedicina
Title of activity:___________________________________________________
Producer and/or distributor (with address): CATAI- Catedra de Anatomia Patologica. Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de La Laguna
Year: 2000-2001
Teaching/learning material X
Type of material:
· Video
· Visioconference:
· Other type of material X
(Please specify):_________________________ Web page
Format: Html
Language(s): English-Spanish
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicine distance training
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
The present activity carries out the diffusion of the structured training skills
in the field of TELEMEDICINE. It introduces an innovative professional training
by assuming new Information Society skills not only in the Health Care provision
but also in the teaching methodology. The co-operation inside of the present
CTC consortium will provide and update the contents of those rapidly moving
technologies, and will bring innovative approaches in the teaching done at distance
with experience of the ODL of APOLLO project as well as the experience on surgical
virtual reality simulators provided by the new partners. The training is directed
towards trainers to update their knowledge and skills, it means health care
professionals (including directors and responsible people) in the European Union.
This requires the updating of the Information Society training applied to health
This activity is linked with the initiative of the UNESCO Chair of Telemedicine
to apply the consortium experience towards the urgent demand of Telemedicine
in developing countries to improve their limited health care system efficiency
and accessibility. The International teaching activities are arranged in intensive
Winter and Summer Courses particularly to update trainers knowledge and teaching
material. This activity also takes into consideration the fact that a complete
training is not possible in each individual country due to the irregular Health
Care technology developments throughout the European Union
Title of activity:___________________________________________________
Producer and/or distributor (with address): CATAI- Catedra de Anatomia Patologica. Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de La Laguna
Year: 1999-2001
Teaching/learning material X
Type of material:
· Video
· Visioconference:
· Other type of material X
(Please specify):_________________________ Web page
Format: Html
Language(s): English-Spanish
Main keywords (4 or 5): Telemedicine distance training
(Brief description of the content in English, French or Spanish)
The present project will carry out the diffusion activity of the structured
training skills in the field of Telemedicine (TM) established in the 1177/95
Leonardo project, expanding the consortium towards complementary activities
in Medical Informatics (Apollo pilot from Greece GR/96/1/00022/PI/I.1.1.a/FPI
idx: 5107 ODL) and towards distant simulator training in Medicine, particularly
in Endoscopes surgery. It will introduce an innovative professional training
by assuming new IS technologies skills not only in the Health Care provision
but also in the teaching methodology. The training is directed towards:
a) Trainers to update their knowledge and skills, with a side effect on curricula
innovation in their own surrounding
b) To students of health care related topics (vocational up to University) that
by means of distant teaching, multimedia material and European meetings will
experience technologies, otherwise not be available in their own surrounding.
A progressive EC demand of trained people in Telemedicine is expected; this
multidisciplinary topic is not properly addressed in the curriculae of hospital
mantainance people, hospital assitants, nurses, medical doctors, informaticians,
telecomunication and biomedical technical and superior engineers, up to emergency
related people with navy and air enviroment.
c) developing countries which demands of Telemedicine are very high. The strategy
to properly address this demand is by creating a Unesco Chair of Telemedicine
that will accomplish that task
CONTENT . Curriculae content have been settle in the Leonardo project CATAI-TELEMED
1177 and consist of 12 topics with theorical and practical teaching material
ready to be use in the present action. Furthermore the cooperation inside of
the present CTC-consortium will provide and update the contents of those rapidly
moving technologies, and will bring innovative approaches in the teaching done
at distance with the experience of the ODL of the APOLLO project as well as
the experience on surgical virtual reality simulators provided by the new partners.
BENEFITS. It is urgent that Telemedicine reach health professionals (including
directors and responsable people) in the EU. This require the updating of the
IS technology training applied to health care. A EU coordinated action to teach
the structured Telemedicine Body of Knowledge (Leonardo 1177/95) will facilitate
cross-border licencing recognition. This pilot also take into consideration
the fact that a complete training is not possible in each individual country,
due to the irregular Health Care technology developments throughout the EC,
being cooperation and distant training the only oportunity to overcome local
training deficiencies in Telemedicine which are particularly extreme in developing
IMPACT. The adequate training of health-related profesionals in the field of
TM produce active technologies transfer and prepare the people for the acceptance
of the new forcoming jobs. The multidisciplinary approach required on Telemedicine
training, push new qualifications as well as specializations. This activity
is link with the initiative of the UNESCO chair of Telemedicine to apply the
consortium experience towards the urgent demand of TM in developing countries,
in order to improve their limited health care system into a more efficiency
and accessible one.
WORK AND DIFUSSION. The International teaching activities are arranged in intensive
Winter and Summer Courses particularly to update trainers’ knowledge and
teaching material. The recognition of those courses by the involved Universities
may help to renew students´ curriculae and facilitate cross-border recognition
of qualifications. The participating countries and Universities had carried
out the rest of training locally; they provided presential and distant training
including demonstrations with virtual reality simulators. The partners through
International organization and Associations actively promoted training recognition;
this activity enssured a smooth curriculae renewal and favour technology transfer,
preparing the society for the forcoming jobs. In this context the UNESCO chair
of TM had played a significant role.
XI Winter Course of the CATAI
XVI Image Analyses Course of the ULL
17-30th March 2003
La Laguna. Tenerife. Islas Canarias. España
Curse recognized by the ESACP (European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology
160 Teaching hours
Monday 17th March 2003
16-20h Welcome to the course. Mr. W. Berriel Martínez Vice Chancellor
of Industrial Development and Technological Innovation, Tenerife. Prof. Dr.
J. Gómez Soliño y Prof. Dr. A. Gutiérrez Navarro Rector
of the University of La Laguna and vice-rector of Research Univ. La Laguna.
Experiences in the Canary Islands. Tele-dermatology. Dr. J. Suárez, Tele-psychiatry,
Insula project. Prof. Dr. C. De las Cuevas, University of La Laguna Dr. O. Herreros.
Phone Medicine. Prof. Dr. O. Ferrer-Roca, Tele-ultrasounds. Prof. Dr. J. M.
Troyano. Tenerife. Tele-ophthalmology Dr. J. Abreu Diabetic
Retinopathy. Dr. P. Abreu, La Candelaria Hospital, Tenerife
Tuesday 18th March 2003
16-20h Other Telemedicine experiences: Home-care tele-oncology. Dr. R. Subirana.
Delfos Hospital. Barcelona. . Tele-health
aspects of Canary Islands- La Palma Digital project. Dr. J. de León.
DG Information Technologies Logistics and cost-benefit. Dr. Pedro Serrano. Research
and Health Planning. Web epidemiology, new emerging field. Dr. A. Hernández
Borges. Dept of Pediatrics. HUC. Tenerife. Canary islands.
Wednesday 19th March, 2003
16-20h êPKI and digital signature in medicine http;//
Prof. Dr. Ch.Meinel . Trier University, Germany. Franhofer Institute Trusted
Third Parties & Attributes Certificates. Mr. J. Buch. Safe-Layer.
Thursday 20th March, 2003
16-20h PACS and DICOMzip based in Internet Technology http;//
Prof. Dr. Ch.Meinel . Trier University, Germany. Franhofer Institute
Friday 21st March, 2003
16-20h ê E-learning intelligent techniques. KOD-Consortium. Prof. Dr.
O. Ferrer-Roca. CATAI. Spain. Six Framework Program of the European
Commission. Glossary of Telemedicine. Dr. L. Beolchi. EC-DG-Information Society.
IST-International Cooperation.
Saturday 22nd March, 2003
16-20h Cryptokit for personal identification. Mr J. Gomez Navarro
Spanish laws for protection of personal sensitive data. Implications regarding
Electronic Clinical Record. Ldo Dn. Emilio del Val Puerto Technical Council
of the Data Protection Agency. Madrid.
Sunday 23rd March 2003
16-20h. Videoconference. Remote control of electron microscopy. Prof. Dr. Th.
Mairinger. Univ. Innsbruck. Austria. The digital slide. A novel technique .for
tele-pathology Prof. Dr. V. Della Mea. Universidad. Udine. Italy.
Data mining challenges in the design of open distance learning platforms. Prof.
Dr. A. N. Kastania. Depart. Computer Sciences, Athens. University of Economics
& Business.
Monday 24th March 2003
16-20h Telemedicine Body of Knowledge. Prof. Dr. O. Ferrer Roca. Universidad
de La Laguna . Canary Islands. Spain. Electronic Prescription and digital signature.
Prof. Dr. O. Ferrer-Roca La Laguna. ULL. Canary Islands. Spain.
Electronic Prescription Project of the General Assembly of the Pharmaceutics
(PISTA Project). Lcdo. E. B.
Hernández-Reboso. President of the Pharmaceutics Official College of
Tuesday 25th March, 2003
16-20h. Interactive Telemedical networks via Satellite: WinVicos, WoTeSa, Deltass
(Disaster Emergency Logistic Telemedicine Advanced Satellites System), MedaShip
(Medical Assistance for Ships) and Emispher (Euromediterranean Internet-Satellite
Platform for Health) Project Ing. Georgi Graschew.. University Clinic Charite.
Humboldt University Berlin. Germany. ESA-European
Space Agency. ESTEC- European Space & Research Technology Center. Noordwijk.
Wednesday 26th March, 2003
16-20h Design and delivery of wireless electric stimulation device. Mr. F.Balducci.
Univ. of Entre Rios. Faculty Bioengineering. Argentina. How to improve health
care in prisons and corrections buildings by mean of telemedicine. Prof. Dr.
A. Petitet. CardioGap S.A. France.
Thursday 27th March, 2003
16-20h International Cardiac Emergency network for expatriates workers survey.
Four years experience // Does telemedicine improve emergency activities?. Prof.
Dr. A. Petitet. CardioGap S.A. France.
Friday 28th March 2003
16-20h. Risk factor Analysis. Dn.F. Lopez Crespo. Telematic Dept. Public Administration. Electronic Health Record. Dr. J.Reig, President of the
European Health Records Institute. EUROREC. Sevilla.
Saturday 29th March, 2003
16-20h. Spanish law and Telemedicine. Prof. Dr. E. Sola. Faculty of Laws. ULL.
Canary Islands. Spain. New goals on Telemedicine legislation. Prof. Dr. B. Stanberry.
Institute of Telemedicine Laws
Sunday 30th March, 2003
16-20h Internet and Info-ethics. Mrs. P. Wilson. Health Care Informatics of
the European Commission. Brussels. Belgium.
Workshop: Everyday from 8 to 16 h.
1. Crytokit C3PO for identity cards; 2. DELTASS; 3. Flash programming; 4. Security
in Internet; 5.Telemetry with electronic stethoscopes, weights, ECG, vital sign
control; 6. HTML; 7. Portable ultrasonography; 8. Certification Authorities
and Certification emission. 9. KOD for intelligent e-learning; 10. Web control
of diabetes.
Venue : Main hall of the Faculty of Medicine. University of La Laguna
INSCRIPCIONS: 180 Euros. Students 120 Euros.
+34-(9)22-319321; Fax : +34-(9)22-641855.
X SUMMER COURSE OF THE CATAITelemedicine as interdisciplinary Application of Medicine, Informatics and Information ScienceRegensburg 22-24 September 200232 Teaching hours.Course recognized by the ESACAP (European Society of Analytical Cellular Pathology)
Sunday 22 September 2002
Welcome to the course. Prof. Dr. H. Wolf, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University
of Regensburg Medical Center. Prof. Dr. M. Nerlich, Department of Trauma Surgery,
University of Regensburg Medical Center.
Electronic Health Record. Prof. Dr. O. Ferrer-Roca, UNESCO Chair of Telemedicine,
University of La Laguna.
Public Key Cryptography, Identity Certificates and Attribute Certificates. Prof.
Dr. O. Ferrer-Roca, UNESCO Chair of Telemedicine, University of La Laguna.
ICT 2002 - Opening Plenary Session.
Monday 23 September 2002
"Home-Care" call centers. Prof. Dr. I. Chouvarda.
Remote control of electron microscopy. Prof. Dr. Th. Mairinger, Univ. Innsbruck.
ICT 2002 - Plenary Session
Open-Source resources for Telemedicine. Prof. Dr. V. Della Mea, Univ. Udine
The digital slide. A novel technique .for tele-pathology. Prof. Dr. V. Della
Mea, Univ. Udine. Italy.
Statistical Methods in Telemedicine Prof. Dr. T. Postelnicu, Centre for Mathematical
Statistics, Statistical Inference and Biometrics, Bucharest, Romania.
Mobile Psychological Documentation and Patient-Testing. Prof. Dr. Th. Loew,
University of Regensburg Medical Center, Germany.
ICT 2002 - Meet and Greet
ICT 2002 - Reception by the Lord Mayor of Regensburg
Tuesday 24 September 2002
E-learning intelligent techniques. Agent technology. KOD Consortium. Information
Telematic Institute, Thessaloniki. Greece.
NOAH – Emergency Organisation and Administration Aid. Dr. W. Röckelein,
University of Regensburg Medical Center, Germany.
ICT 2002 - Plenary Session
ICT 2002 - Decision Support Systems and Automated Image Analysis
Data mining challenges in the design of open distance learning platforms. Prof.
Dr. A. N. Kastania, PAaRG-BEaT, Athens. Universidad de EconómicasEmpresariales.
Medic***-Projects – MedicDAT, MedicMED, MedicML, OnkoDAT,
NAWdat, GastroDAT and MedicSOUND Dr. M. Reng, University of Regensburg Medical
Center, Germany.,,,,,
Workshop: Everyday from 8 to 17 h.
1. Ophthalmoscopes-Dermathoscopes and high-resolution cameras.; 2. Security
in Internet; 3.Telemetry with electronic stethoscopes, weights, ECG, vital sign
control; 4. Tele-ultrasonography; 5. Smart-Cards. 6.- KOD for intelligent e-learning;
7. Digital signature; 8. Wireless medicall applications: NOAH, CHS, 9. Teleteaching,
Teleeducation and e-Learning: CBI, Medic***, HTO-Project; 10. Teleconsultation
Venue : University of Regensburg, Main Campus, Auditorium Maximum - Central
Lecture Hall Building, Universitätsstr. 31, Regensburg
Registration: 180 Euros. Students 120 Euros. Members of University of Regensburg
free of charge.
Telephone and Address contact:
Prof. Dr. O. Ferrer-Roca.Chair of Pathology. Faculty of Medicine. UNESCO Chair of Telemedicine of theUniversity of La Laguna, Canary Islands, SpainTel: +34-922-319321; Fax : +34-(9)22-641855E-Mail: Prof. Dr. M. Nerlich Department of Trauma SurgeryFranz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 1193053 RegensburgGermanyTel: + 49 941 944 6805; Fax : + 49 941 944 6806Email: