La Laguna. Tenerife
Islas Canarias. España
Curso reconocido por:
ESACP (European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology)
ISDQP (International Society of Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology)
ISCO (International Society of Cellular Oncology)
EFMI (European Federation of Medical Informatics)

O.Ferrer-Roca MD. PhD. Born in Barcelona, studied Medicine in the Central University of Barcelona from 1966-1972 with Honors. Got the PhD with “Cariotyping and tissue culture of tumors” in 1974 with Honors. Specialized in Pathology in 1974 being trained in Paris, Milwakee-USA and London.
Working as pathologist in the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona since 1972 got the Assistance Professorship in Pathology in 1974 and the Chair of Pathology of the University of La Laguna in 1982. Commercialized a pathology image analysis system TEXCAN ® ™ specialized in visual textural analysis of the cell chromatin and DNA and immunohistochemical quantification. Founded the CATAI association in 1993, being the president since then. Got the UNESCO Chair of Telemedicine in 1999 for the University of La Laguna. Since 1996 train on Telemedicine the students of medicine and Computer Science, creating the European Master of Telemedicine and Bioengineering applied to Telemedicine in 2004, at distance.
Editor of 8 books and 202 Publications is the author of the first textbook of Telemedicine Handbook of Telemedicine. Amsterdam: IOS-Press, 1998, containing the Ontology of Telemedicine

Tram Nguyen Trinh Born in Paris, holds an MBA from McGill University Canada, a CPA license from the New Hampshire State Board of Accounting US. Founder & CEO of VITAnLINK, she helps digital health medtech start-ups or SMEs that want to expand in Europe shape their strategy, land their ideal customers to validate their business model. Rapid results are achieved with her “door-opener” process and 20-year multinational experience: create, expand markets and teams.
She started her career in 1995 co-setting-up the first Ernst&Young office in Vietnam as an auditor and then moved to the E&Y Paris office. She joined the Medical Device and Diagnostics industry in 1999 at Johnson&Johnson OCD France as General Management Project Leader. Then became Director Market Development France 2004, was granted Johnson&Johnson Leadership Award in 2002 and 2005, became Head of Marketing Services Europe 2007 before joining in 2009 Welch Allyn as Managing Director France launching the first European reference sites in the connected vital signs area. She has partnered with several European health accelerators, is member of the CJD network of French Entrepreneurs, board member of Ivy Plus European Leaders think tank and founding member of Avenir Femmes Santé women’s health association. She also teaches business cases at the CNAM Paris Innovation Management Program

Steffen Krotsch Meng. PhDEducation:Engineering degree (Dipl.Ing./ MEng, Information Technology) Business degree (MBA, Insead)Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. pol. Business Administration). Professional Career: 1997-2005 Andersen Consulting/ Accenture; Financial Services/ Strategy Practice 2005-2009 Dresdner Bank AG, Director Operations 2009-2012 Allianz Deutschland AG, Director Operations 2012-today Allianz Worldwide Partners SAS, Head of Innovation

Rik Smithies, MSc. From Manchester, England and graduated in 1988 and 1990 from University of Birmingham (UK) with degrees in Physics and Software Engineering. Current Technical Committee Chair and a past Chair of HL7 UK, as well as an HL7 International Co-Chair and trainer. A clinical informatics and health information architectures consultant with over 25 years’ commercial software experience, exclusively in healthcare since 1994. He has worked across healthcare domains, including EHR, pharmacy, laboratory, drug safety, electronic prescribing, general practice and clinical trials. He is a FHIR project member and implementer. Recent clients include NHS Connecting for Health, Guys Hospital, NATO and the European Medicines Agency.

Luis Falcón MD. Ing. Born in Las Palmas (canary islands-spain) holds a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the California State University (USA) and in Medicine from IUCS, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Luis is a social, animal rights and Free/Libre Software activist. In 2006 he founded GNU Solidario, a nonprofit organization that delivers Education and Health to developing countries with Free Software. He is the author of GNU Health (, the award-winning Free/Libre Health and Hospital Information System. He is the founder and CEO of Thymbra, a company with focus on ERP and Health Informatics. Is a regular collaborator of the Unesco Chair of Telemedicine.

Alan B. Dalton MSc. PhD. Alan received his B.A. in Materials Science from Trinity College Dublin (T.C.D.) in 1996. His PhD work entitled: Morphological Influences on the Excited State Dynamics of Conjugated Polymers was completed in 2000 under the supervision of Prof. Werner Blau at T.C.D. Proceeding this; Alan spent worked at the Dublin Institute of Technology as an Arnold Graves Fellow. In the beginning of 2002, he spent a short period as a visiting scientist at Honeywell Technologies in the nanostructures group before joining the Nanotech Institute at University of Texas at Dallas. Alan joined the department in the summer of 2004.Research interests primarily focus on the electrical and optical properties of pseudo one-dimensional conjugated systems including carbon nanotubes and electro active conjugated polymers, the structure property relationships in nano-structured organic composites (mechanical, electrical and thermal), the directed and self-assembly of Nanostructures into functional macrostructures and more recently interfacing biological materials with synthetic inorganic and organic materials. Alan has expertise in a range of steady state and transient spectroscopes, Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy

Alberto Lazzero MD. PhD Alberto Lazzero, studied Medicine and Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Turin, Italy (1986-1993) with honours (Magna cum Laude) working with the Endocrine Laboratory of the McGill University, Quebec, Canada. He got his specialization in Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Turin (1993-1998) with honours (Magna cum Laude). He got a Master of Sciences in Cronobiologia from the University of Milan (1993) with honours and a University Diploma in Chronobiologieat the Faculté de Médecine, Pitié Salpêtrière, Paris VI, France (1993).
For his research in the endocrinology of the critical illness, he approached the Intensive and Emergency Medicine, field in which is now primarily committed. He holds a University Diploma in Emergency Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the Université de Nice Sophia–Antipolis, Nice, France (1997). He has been visiting doctor at the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (Intensive Care Unit of Medicine) (Genève, Switzerland, 2003). He is now Emergency Physician at the United Hospitals of Pinerolo, Turin, Italy.
His interest towards new technologies applied to Medicine from early 2000 brought him to have a Master of Sciences in eHealth from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Camerino with honours (Magna cum Laude) (2007). He then covered the role of Adjunct Professor of Emergency Care in Telemedicine and Telepharmacy at University of Camerino, Faculty of Pharmacy, Camerino, Italy. He is Professor (National Health System lecturer) of Emergency Medicine at University of Turin, School of Medicine San Luigi, School of Nursing, Cuneo and Orbassano –Turin, Italy.
From 2010 he is President and Founder at ZOHE - E-Health Open Zone, a no-profit association promoting an appropriate, adequate and equitable care for all. He is trying to introduce in healthcare, not just a technical improvement, but a new way of thinking about health, a sort of a new state of mind, innovative, global. This is the commitment of ZOHE to improve patient care and the exchange of information and knowledge among professionals through the information and communication technologies, for everyone, everywhere

Ginetto MenarelloRN, MSc Born in Rovigo (Italy) in 1954. Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and Midwifery in 2007 at University of Turin. At the moment he is Coordinator of one of the School of Nursing and deputy director of Master’s program in Community and Family Nursing, both courses in the University of Turin. He is also lecturer at the School of Nursing (degree and bachelor’s degree), at the Master’s program in Community and Family Nursing, and at the Master’s program in Nursing Management. He collaborate with Regione Piemonte for European planning: they are reference site for the best practice of Community and Family Nursing Master’s program. In years actively involved in action to promote the development of innovative care models, mainly in the field of primary care, prevention, empowerment and self-management, through pro-active and multidisciplinary intervention strategies.

Paola Obbia RN Born in Cuneo, Italy, in 1964. She holds a PGD in Family and Community Nursing and a PGD in Management of Health Professions. She is completing a MNs In Family Health at the WSC University, UK. She has been working in different settings of Primary Care: Mental Health, Home Care, Family Planning, Women Health, Health Promotion, Elderly Care. She is lecturer at Turin University Nursing School at the undergraduate level and at the PGD in Family and Community Nursing at Turin and at Pavia University. She is a member of AG B3 Workforce development in the EIPonAHA European Commission Project. She is co-founder and president, since 2009 of AIFeC, Italian Family and Community Nurses Association. She is vegetarian.

Antonio Jara Antonio J. Jara; Assistant Prof. PostDoc at University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO) from Switzerland , vice-chair of the IEEE Communications Society Internet of Things Technical Committee, and founder of the Wearable Computing and Personal Area Networks company HOP Ubiquitous S.L., He did his PhD (Cum Laude) at the Intelligent Systems and Telematics Research Group of the University of Murcia (UMU) from Spain. He received two M.S. (Hons. - valedictorian) degrees. Since 2007, he has been working on several projects related to IPv6, WSNs. and RFID applications in building automation and healthcare. He is especially focused on the design and development of new protocols for security and mobility for Future Internet of things, which was the topic of his Ph.D. Nowadays, he continues working on IPv6 technologies for the Internet of Things in projects such as IoT6, and also Big Data and Knowledge Engineering for Smart Cities and eHealth. He has also carried out a Master in Business Administration (MBA). He has published over 100 international papers, As well, he holds one patent. Finally, he participates in several Projects about the IPv6, Internet of Things, Smart Cities, and mobile healthcare

Mario Nemirowski CSPh.D is an ICREA Research Professor at the Barcelona Supercomputer Center, where he has been since 2007. He received his PhD in ECE from University of California, Santa Barbara in 1990. Presently he is conducting pioneering work in the area of IoT (Fog as plataform for IoT), Big Data, and Optical and Wireless NoCs. He holds 64 USA patents. Mario is a pioneer in multithreaded hardware-based processor architectures. During his tenure with the University of California, Santa Barbara, Mario co-authored some of the seminal works on simultaneous multithreading. Mario has made key contributions to other areas of computer architecture, including high performance, real-time, and network processors. He founded Miraveo Inc., Vilynx Inc., ConSentry Networks Inc., Flowstorm Inc. and XStream Logic Inc. Before that, he was a chief architect at National Semiconductor, PI Researcher at Apple Computers, and Chief Architect at Weitek Inc. and Delco Electronics, General Motors (GM).

Hermann Kaindl joined this institute at the Vienna University of Technology in early 2003 as a full professor. In the same year, he was elected as a member of the University Senate, where he served until 2010. Prior to moving to academia, he was a senior consultant with the division of program and systems engineering at Siemens AG Austria. There he has gained more than 24 years of industrial experience in software development. His current research interests include software and systems engineering focusing on requirements engineering and architecting, and human-computer interaction as it relates to interaction design and automated generation of user interfaces. He has published 5 books and more than 170 refereed papers in journals, books and conference proceedings. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a Distinguished Scientist member of the ACM, Fellow of the IARIA and a member of the AAAI, and is on the executive board of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence.

Damián Roca Marí, MSc received the BS and the MS degree from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in the Computer Architecture Department at the UPC. He holds a Ph.D International Fellowship by BSC-La Caixa. His research interests include Fog Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), novel simulation techniques, network-on-chip aware computer architectures, and the management of shared resources in chips multiprocessors. He is collaborating with the ERC project RoMoL.

Gabriele Giammatteo received his degree in Computer Engineering at the Università degli studi di Roma Tre in February 2009. From 2009 he is working in the R&D Laboratory of Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. as a researcher. He worked in some EU research projects (GriFin, ETICS2, D4Science, iMarine, TEFIS, ARTIST, OCEAN) focused on different fields of software system engineering acquiring competences in networking, secure storage, distributed systems, cloud platforms, software integration and testing, software quality measurement and standards.

Phillipe Aillere MD Medical director of Inter Mutuelles Assistance (IMA) est le leader de l'assistance en France. C'est une entreprise de l'économie sociale, mutualiste, dont les actionnaires principaux sont MAIF, MACIF et MATMUT.Opérateur en "marque blanche", IMA organise l'assistance pour le compte de ses actionnaires et clients.La direction des activités et prestations médicales (DAPM) opère dans le monde entier pour fournir des conseils médicaux, la gestion des frais médicaux hospitaliers et les rapatriements sanitaires en s'appuyant sur un réseau mondial d'acteurs hospitaliers et de transporteurs sanitaires. Consciente des enjeux de santé actuels, la DAPM contribue activement au développement et au déploiement de nouvelles solutions de médecine et de santé pour les sociétaires et les assurés de nos clients, conformément aux engagements d'assistance souscrits dans les contrats d'assurances ou de prestations.
Universidad de La Laguna
Islas Canarias
Público en General: 250 Euros
Estudiantes: 150 Euros
Socios del CATAI: 200 Euros
Inscripciones por día: 75 Euros
Telefono: +34-922-319321
Fax: +34-922-641855
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DIRECCIÓN: Ctra. Cuesta-Taco No. 88
CIUDAD: La Laguna - Islas Canarias
COD. POSTAL: 38108
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