La Laguna. Tenerife
Islas Canarias. España
Cancelado debido a los recortes
Curso reconocido por:
ESACP (European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology)
ISDQP (International Society of Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology)
ISCO (International Society of Cellular Oncology)
EFMI (European Federation of Medical Informatics)


O.Ferrer-Roca MD. PhD. Born in Barcelona, studied Medicine in the Central University of Barcelona from 1966-1972 with Honors. Got the PhD with “Cariotyping and tissue culture of tumors” in 1974 with Honors. Specialized in Pathology in 1974 being trained in Paris, Milwakee-USA and London.
Working as pathologist in the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona since 1972 got the Assistance Professorship in Pathology in 1974 and the Chair of Pathology of the University of La Laguna in 1982. Commercialized a pathology image analysis system TEXCAN ® ™ specialized in visual textural analysis of the cell chromatin and DNA and immunohistochemical quantification. Founded the CATAI association in 1993, being the president since then. Got the UNESCO Chair of Telemedicine in 1999 for the University of La Laguna. Since 1996 train on Telemedicine the students of medicine and Computer Science, creating the European Master of Telemedicine and Bioengineering applied to Telemedicine in 2004, at distance.
Editor of 8 books and 202 Publications is the author of the first textbook of Telemedicine Handbook of Telemedicine. Amsterdam: IOS-Press, 1998, containing the Ontology of Telemedicine

Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, born in 1954, is President and CEO of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute for IT-Systems Engineering at the University of Potsdam. He is full professor for computer science with a chair in Internet Technology and Systems. His research focuses on IT-security engineering, teleteaching and telemedicine. He is the author of more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific papers, chief editor of “ECCC – Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity” and “IT-Gipfelblog”, chairman of the German IPv6 council and member of various scientific boards and program committees.

Alexander Horsch is professor at the Institute for Medical Statistics and Epidemiology (IMSE) of the Technische University München (TUM) and adjunct professor at the University of Tromsø (UIT). He got his Ph.D. in computer science 1989. 1987-1995 he was head of the medical computing centre of the university hospital Klinikum rechts der Isar. From 1992 on he gives lectures in medical informatics and biomedical engineering. He was manager of several projects in telemedicine and computer-aided diagnosis. From 09/1998 to 09/2007 he was chair of the working group Medical Image Processing of the German Society of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS). He is German representative in the EFMI Council and chair of EFMI Working Group on Medical Image Processing, member of scientific program committees of MIE and CARS as well as for national conferences. He is author or co-author of more than 100 publications in conference proceedings, scientific journals, and books. He is reviewer for IEEE, IJMI, Methods, and other journals and scientific societies, and he is involved in telemedicine actions of EC, ESA and WHO. His main research interests are telemedicine, eLearning, medical image processing and computer-aided diagnosis.

Luis Falcón holds a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the California State University at Northridge. He currently lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he studies Medicine at the Barcelo University. He is the founder and CEO of Thymbra, a company with a focus on ERP and Health Informatics. In 2006 Luis founded the "Linux Solidario" project. Linux Solidario is a non-profit project aimed at developing countries, in the areas of education and health. Luis Falcón is a free software activist, so all the programs involved in Linux Solidario are open source. He is the author of Medical, the award-winning open source Hospital and Health Information System focused in emerging economies.

Anastasia N. Kastania Ph.D., received her B.Sc. in Mathematics and her Ph.D degree in Medical Informatics from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She works in the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece since 1987. Research productivity is summarized in various articles (monographs or in collaboration with other researchers) in international journals, international conferences proceedings, international book series and international books chapters. She has more than twenty years teaching experience in University programs and she is the writer of many didactic books. She also has ten years experience as Researcher in National and European Research Projects. Research interests are telemedicine and e-health, e-learning, bioinformatics, tele-epidemiology, mathematical modeling and statistics, web engineering, quality engineering and reliability engineering.

José Luis González-Mora was born in Tenerife, Spain on January 31st, 1959. He received his MD and PhD in 1982 and 1987, respectively. Since 1992, he has been Senior Professor in the Department of Physiology (School of Medicine, University of La Laguna, ULL), and is the head of the Neurochemical and Neuroimaging Laboratory. His group has been working on "in vivo" voltammetry since 1988, and has been using this methodology for continuous on-line monitoring of monoaminergic and indolaminergic neurotransmitter release in animals and humans. His group has also been a pioneer in the application of this technique to the study of neurochemical release, involved in complex behaviour such as social and sexual interaction. In the last few years, his group has been measuring simultaneously evoked releases of dopamine, serotonin and other related substances after electrical and behavioural stimulation. His laboratory at ULL focuses on the use of electrochemical microelectrode techniques for: (1) the measurement of chemical messengers released from the cells in tissue or from individual cells in culture, including dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine and serotonin, and (2) the measurement of metabolic brain tissue substances such as oxygen, ascorbate, and uric acid. His group has recently developed not only new methods to measure the extracellular concentration of nitric oxide, but also new spectroscopic techniques to analyse the principal reaction of oxyhaemoglobin with nitric oxide to form methaemoglobin in vivo. This has led to commercially interesting technological developments and 3 patents. He is the author or co-author of more than 80 international publications in the field of neurobiology and neurochemistry, and has given over 50 scientific conference presentations in these fields. He is a member of several national and international scientific societies and organisations. Since 1990 he has been the organiser of various international activities about neuroscientific methods, as well as collaboration projects with international scientific groups. He is currently involved, as the scientist in charge, in several European Projects,. Dr. González-Mora's recent honours include the "Premio Canarias de Investigacion en accesibilidad (Canary Award for Research into Accessiblity)" (2004).

Frank Ruge is VP Vertical Markets EMEA in Vidyo. Frank Ruge is responsible for Vidyo's vertical market strategy and execution in Europe, Middle East and Africa. In this function he works with industry partners, customers and associations to develop new go-to-market models. Prior his current responsibilities he worked for 15 years for Cisco Systems. His responsibilities included leading Cisco's global public sector solutions team and marketing team, Public Sector Business Development for European and Emerging Markets and a number of sales management and account management positions in Germany for education, state, federal authorities and defense. He started in 1996 as a systems engineer. Previous positions were at a research subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom - being responsible for the development of new services - and at the Technical University of Berlin - managing European research projects in collaboration (video, audio, datasharing).

Jesús González is Unified Communications Manager and Vidyo Business Development Manager at Exclusive Networks. He has worked as a Mayor Account Manager (MAM) and Territory Account Manager (TAM) at Polycom (2011-2012). In addition, in Belgacom Group, he worked as a Public Sector Sales Manager at Telindus S.A.U. (2011), Public Sector Account Manager at Telindus S.A.U. (2007-2011) and Sales Engineer at Telindus SAU (2006). He has been Researcher at Oulu Polytechnics in R&D Medical Engineering Department (2005) and Collaborator and Scholarship holder at University of Vigo (2002-2004). He is MSc Telecommunications Engineering (University of Vigo) and Execute MBA in EOI Business School.

Vicente Micó received the MS degree in Physics from the Universitat de Valencia in 1999 and the BS degree in Optics and Optometry in 2000. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physics in 2008 at the Universitat de Valencia. After a 9-years period (from 2000 to 2009) working in AIDO (Technological Institute of Optics, Color and Imaging), he joined the Optics Department at the University of Valencia where where he currently holds an Assistant Professor position. Briefly, his research interests are in two areas. As physicist, he is actively working in optical metrology, digital holography, digital holographic microscopy and optical superresolution, including vibration and deformation metrology, speckle applications, lensless coherent imaging and setups based on spatial light modulators. As optometrist, he is working in theoretical aspects on physiological and visual optics as well as in the development of novel optometric instruments for the measurement of ocular parameters.
Universidad de La Laguna
Islas Canarias

Público en General: 250 Euros
Estudiantes: 150 Euros
Socios del CATAI: 200 Euros
Inscripciones por día: 75 Euros
Telefono: +34-922-319321
Fax: +34-922-641855
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CIUDAD: La Laguna - Islas Canarias
COD. POSTAL: 38108
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Sequimiento del video en directo
(Video Streaming)
El horario de las conferencias es todos los días desde el 4 al 9 de marzo de 16.00 a 20.00 (GMT)
Según la tabla de contenido:
Enlace para el video en directo para las conferencias 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 y 11
Enlace para el video en directo para las conferencias 2, 8 y 9