Winter Course CATAI
XIV Image Analisis Course |
12nd - 25th March, 2001
La Laguna, Tenerife. Canary Islands.
Course recognized by the ESACP (European Society
of Analitical Cell Pathology)
160 Teching hours
Monday 12nd March, 2001
16-20h Welcome to the course. Prof. Dr. R. Reboso
G. D. of Telecommunications & Information Tech. Canary Islands. Prof. Dr. J.
Soliño. Rector of the University of La Laguna and Prof. Dr. M. Norte Head of
the University and Research Responsible Univ. La Laguna.
Canary Islands experiences: Teledermatology Dr. J. Suárez,
Telepsychiatry Dr. O. Herreros., Phone-Medicine Prof. Dr.
O.Ferrer-Roca, Telecardiology Dr. F. Larrauri S. Eugenio Clinic, Teleultrasounds
Prof. Dr. J.M. Troyano-Luque. Tenerife; Teleophtalmology. Dr.
Tuesday 13rd March, 2001
16-20h Other Canary Islands telemedicine experiences.
Home-care with phone assistance. Dr. R. Subirana. Barcelona. Telemedicine
in the SCS (Canarian Health Service): Primary care. Dr. J. de León. Logistic
and Administrative Issues of Telemedicine in Canary Islands. Dr. P. Serrano. Health
Plan Service and Investigation Manager.
Wednesday 14th March, 2001
16-20h Digestive Endoscopy and Nano-technology. M2A. Dr.
J. Pérez Piqueras. Air Force Hospital. Madrid. Intelligent T-shirt.
Prof. S. Jayaraman. DGeorgia Institute Technology. School of Textile.
Technology applied to sensorial handicaps. Prof. Dr. L.Gonzalez Mora.
ULL Canary Islands
Thursday 15th March, 2001
16-20h New Business of Telecommunications and its Process
Transformation Bearing New Internet Technologies. Mr. F.Alvarez-Castellanos PROFit
Computer Gestion S.A. Madrid. Spain.
Nano-technology and Molecular Computers. Prof. R. Ferré. University Lund.
Friday 16th March, 2001
16-20h Wearable Computers. Mr S. Marcius.
Xybernat. Telemedicine in
Argentina. Telemicroscopy. Sr FBalducci. Telemedicine
Co-ordinator. Bio-engineering College. UNER-Argentina
Saturday 17th March, 2001
16-20h Medical Open Source: Ideas and Resources. Prof.
Dr. V. DellaMea. Udine University Italy.. Quality control and
cost-off-set in Telemedicine. Prof. Dr. Serrone. U. Entre-Rios.
Argentina. Signal-data compression tecniques. Mr. L. Di Persia.
U. Bio-engineering Entre-Rios.
Sunday 18th March, 2001
11-13h. Leonardo CATAI-CTC Project Management Meeting.
16-20h. Telepathology Systems. Prof. Dr. Th. Mairinger. Univ. Innsbruck.
Austria. The Italian Network of Telepathology - Technical Choices. Prof.
Dr.V. DellaMea. Udine University. Italy.
Telemedicine in Africa. Mr. Hezekiel Dlamini Nairobi. Kenya. Open Learning
Networks for Telemedicine Education at Distance. Prof. Dr. A. N. Kastania.
PAaRG-BEaT, Athens University of Economics & Business, Athens, Greece.
Monday 19th March, 2001
16-20h Home-Care Management in WAP Environment. Prof.
Dr. Nicos Maglaveras. Thessaloniki University. Greece. The Missouri
Telemedicine Network and Dermatology. Dr Ron Swinfard. Chair of
Internal Medicine at the University of Missoury. USA. Co-operation between
Home-care and Hospital. D. Jurgen Baumer, Curavita Regensburg, Germany.
Tuesday 20th March, 2001
16-20h. Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) and Decision
Support Systems. Dr. X. Nuvials. Hospital Vall Hebron. Barcelona. Surgical
Planning with Virtual Reality. Luc Soler. IRCAD. Strasbourg.
France. UMTS Technology. Mr. J. Hernandez-Nieto.
Wednesday 21st March, 2001
16-20h Smart Card Solutions for Telemedicine. Mr. H.
Brandl. Infineon Technologies. Munich., Germany.
Cripto Applications and Secure Communications. Mr R. HP Baron FAKTUM
Softwareentwicklug GmbH, Mainz, Germany.
Thursday 22nd March, 2001
16-20h Knowledge body of Telemedicine. Standards in
Telemedicine. Prof. Dra. O. Ferrer Roca. La Laguna U. Canary Islands. Spain. Electronic
sign and Medical Prescription in the SCS (Canarian Health Service) Ph. J. Vilarchao
Cavia. La Laguna U.Canary Islands. Spain. Standards in Domotics.. Ing.
M. Hernándo. Modern Home Canarias. Las Palmas. Canary Islands. Spain.
Friday 23rd March, 2001
16-20h University of Zulia Experiences. Prof. Dr.
R. García Cedeño. University of Zulia. Venezuela. Telemedicine experience in
Uganda. Dr. R. Byanyima. Mekerere University.
Saturday 24th March, 2001
16-20h Ethic & Legislation of Telemedicine. Dr.
Benedict Stanberry. Centre of Laws, Ethic & Risk in Telemedicine. Cardiff. U.
K. Spanish Laws Affecting Telemedicine. Prof. Dr. E. Sola. Law
Faculty. La Laguna U. Canary Islands.
Sunday 25th March, 2001
16-20h Internet & Info-Ethics. Mrs. P. Wilson.
DG XIII European Commission. Brussels Belgium. Closing remarks.
PRACTICAL WORKSHOPS Every day from 8h to
1. Wearable Computers of Xybernaut; 2. Flash Techonology; 3. Real
Video; 4. DEAs(automatic external defribilators); 5. HTML; 6. Domotics Systems; 7. GSM
with Bluetooth.; 8. Smart cards.
VENUE: Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine of the
University of La Laguna. Third Phase.
INSCRIPTIONS: 30.000 pts or 180 Euros. Students
20.000 pts.
Phone and Contact Address:
Prof. Dr. O. Ferrer-Roca.
Cátedra Anatomía Patológica.
Facultad de Medicina.
+34-922-319321; Fax : +34-922-641855.
La Laguna
Tenerife |
(C)Webmaster del CATAI 1997-2000
Last update: 07 marzo, 2001